Mobilheime Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide
Mobilheime Ostsee Campingplatz Familie Heide

Our philosophy

Ostseecamping Family Heide Waabs, mobile homes Waabs, 5 star vacation homes, Hotel Heidehof Büdelsdorf, Hotel Seelust Eckernförde, Stadthotel Eckernförde

For us, family Heide in 3 generations, and our employees, you as a guest are the focus of our daily actions.

We stand for individual service and maintain personal and trusting contact with you and all employees.

Our goal is that you can rely on us to make you feel comfortable in the family atmosphere of our houses.

Our focus is on the best quality at a good price-performance ratio in each case.

We maintain fair dealings with our regional suppliers and competitors.

We treat the available resources and our environment responsibly.

We attach particular importance to continuous development and modernization.

Our strength is our committed employees. We create permanent jobs and apprenticeships.

Your family Heide

Service oriented company

ServiceQuality Germany

Serviceorientiertes Unternehmen
Serviceorientiertes Unternehmen


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